MAJOR CONCERN-  AIRCRAFT PED FIRES/ LITHIUM BATTERY FIRES. An inflight SAFETY HAZARD by PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE aircraft fires on board passenger airplane, business jet or helicopter.


CUSTOM SOLUTION- MINIMIZE the ONE SOURCE OF WORRY due to PED Fire on airplanes, which otherwise would have been an uninterrupted and PEACEFULL FLIGHT. Increase Passenger & Crew Safety. Reduce injury, expenses in emergency turnaround/ landing, flight delay. Protect Aircraft asset. Prevent expensive interior repairs or grounding. Truly make Aircraft PED Friendly and Safe.


FLIGHT FIRE BOX-FXB-7 Aircraft PED Fires Containment & Extinguisher System

THE WORLD'S FIRST AND ONLY AIRCRAFT PED FIRES CONTAINMENT AND "EXTINGUISHER" SYSTEM IN THE WORLD. Especially designed to control PED Lithium Battery fires on planes.          



A well known major concern in the airline industry for years has been that of PED Fires on planes (Personal Electronic Device Fire). Sometimes false alarms have prompted oversensitized crew to turnaround flights. Passenger and Flight/Cabin Crew daily needs have led to a exponential poliferation of PED use in the form of Laptops, Mobile Smart Phones,EBooks,etc. by passengers and Electronic Flight Bags, EPads for crew besides fixed aircraft assets such as Aircraft Emergency Locator Technology/ Personal Locator Beacon devices.  This need has even pushed airline governing  bodies to allow expanded use of PEDs on board aircraft and issue recomendations to make them PED Safe. On a typical flight, a single aisle jet carrying 100 passengers could have over 500 lithium batteries on board  and none of them needed to be tested, certified or even  maintained to manufacturing specs, as stated in a report by the Royal Aeronautical Society. While technology improvements have greatly enhanced PED design it has also laid a greater and ever increasing common demand for longer operating time and Battery design in the least size to power ratio. This has prompted the defacto adoption of Lithium Battery technology by the Electronics/PED industry since it offers the highest energy density to weight ratio. The large demand coupled with decreasing costs  has resulted in an unprecedented global production that has crossed over 7.5 million units as of 2014. Increase in PED production and increasing battery energy density increases the chances of causing an uncontrollable in-flight PED fire and an increase in risk of Lithium battery failure incidents. Though there are manufacturing safety standards in place, the huge demand and cost reduction drives have led to defects and recalls by many a well known & large PED/Laptop manufacturer with the Grey market not even bothering to do so. Lithium Ion Batteries while being very good, need a stricter charging protocol and have to be maintained well within Temperature/Charging Voltage limits which would otherwise fail the battery and cause a PED fire. While aircraft systems fixed with charging outlets for PEDs are very well designed to prevent overcharging, the Lithium Ion Batteries may fail due to their manufacturing process.

In reality, the actual charging is controlled by the PED electronics, in turn driven by cost restrictions, result in PEDs that lack the full ability to do so. Lithium Ion Batteries may even short internally by themselves  while not even being charged due to contaminant migration between their electrodes, resulting in a fire. Even newer Lithium Ion technologies cannot solve this problem and the current situation will remain so for a long time due to the sheer volume of Batteries produced.   The nature of a Lithium Ion Battery Fire is marked by a cascading effect Thermal Runaway, with all the cells failing sequencially after the failure of one. This is followed by a severe explosive ejection of flaming metallic gel and a high volume of toxic, flamable or burnt smoke. All this occurs with little or no warning, is finished in 50 to 120 seconds and cannot be putout easily. Covering with Fire Blankets or Ice will make it worse and Hand Fire Extinguishers will not effectively penetrate the PED body to reach the Lithium Battery Fire. Temperatures can reach the melting point of Aluminium, where newer lightweight Magnesium Alloy laptops, if allowed even in a controlled burn, will be impossible to be putout. This coupled with the difficult access of Laptops inside a backpack and the rapid response time required makes the situation worse. The result, if not contained and extinguished, can be catastrophic in the panic struck passenger confines more so in a long haul trans-oceanic flight.     

For the first time in the true sense & spirit of fire"extinguishing" as opposed to a "controlled burn", Flight Fire Containment Systems Inc. brings to the Airline Industry, the Flight Fire Box-FXB-7.  A truly innovative, adaptable, ergonomic, one for all- any size- any PED fire control system with a multifaceted technical approach to Contain and Extinguish any in-flight PED Lithium Battery Fire. This together with safe contained transport with the bonus of possible PED/data recovery or failure analysis.  The final aim, to remove the one source of worry and ensure a peaceful flight, enhance aircraft passenger and crew safety, protect aircraft asset, avoid expensive turnarounds /aircraft interior repairs, reduce ecological damage and make the aircraft truly PED Safe.

Flight Fire Box-FXB-7: Features -

One unit solution for any situation, size, type of in-flight PED Li Ion Battery Fires on passenger aircraft, business jet or helicopter.    

Open-Grab-Trap, Contain & Extinguish rapid deployment operation .  

  • Especially designed as an  inflight PED Lithium Ion Battery Fire Extinguisher and Containment System.
  • One design  large enough to enclose various sized PEDs, 17 inch Laptop, Electronic Flight Bag, POS devices, Ebook, Cabin Crew EPads, Aircraft ELTS/PLB, Large Digital Camera with Telephoto Lens, Professional Video Camera, Mobile Smart Phone, MP3 Players, GPS,  Nebulizer, Bio Medical Systems, Test Instuments, Thermal Imagers, various sized Spare Li Ion Battery packs, Hand Tool Power Packs, Electronic Cigarette/Vaping devices, etc.
  • Easy to use single action to Open-Grab-Trap or Dropin, rapid deployment/containment extinguish operation. 
  • Elimination of time delay or burns & injuries by leakage in transfer devices, pickup or scoops.
  • Novel, light weight Aluminium rapid Heat Extract & Dissipate design. Large surface area & thermal mass effectively minimize & arrest Thermal Runway of PED Lithium battery. Replaceable High Temp Stainless Steel lining prevents Flame Burn thru from corrosive burning metals of exploding PED batteries.
  • Prevent secondary PED burn thru, especially essential to prevent continued burning of modern light weight Laptops made of Magnesium alloy chassis & Lithium Ion batteries.
  • In-Suite Aviation standard (cockpit/cabin class) mini Halon Fire Extinguisher. Rugged Quick Dismount Holder enables compliance with Fire/Safety Inspection procedures. Optional Cylinder Adaptors to suit integration by Airline specific preappoved, supply chain logistics, MRO /Vendors.  Built in disintegrating pouches for Aqueous Coolant or optional agency/airline, pre-approved fire suppresion media. 
  • NEW! Innovative Pullup Flame-Resistant Shroud for Entrapment of Backpack complete with the Laptop or PED fire inside.
  • Innovative Large, quick Pullup Flame Resistant Shroud with a silicon coated,vapor/gas barrier enables entrapment of complete Laptop Backpacks with Laptop fire inside preventing injuries, saving response time & difficulty in extraction of burning Laptop from backpack.
  • Brings to bear, rapid, targeted, simultaneous & multifaceted fire containment, suppressive & extinguishing action on PED fire source/Lithium Ion Battery Fire. 
  • Designed with Pressure tight Viewing Ports, Multiple Stainless Steel Inlet, Outlet, Purge/Bleed Valves fitted with High Temp chemical resistant Viton O Rings, Buna,Viton Pressure seals, gaskets and fire resistant Nomex, Kevlar straps,1000 deg.C /1800 deg.F glass chaulk.
  • Allows supplementary infusion from any available Fire Extinguisher on board for additional fire control in case of severe/ prolonged PED fire. Low Crack Pressure Inlet Valves enable hand squeeze pressure infusion of addition coolant from drinking water bottles. Purge/Bleed Valve & Low Pressure Inlet Valves allow optional continuous coolant circulation for enhanced cooling  requirement. Pressure Tight Visual Obsevation Ports allow interactive/adaptive suppression during progress of PED fire.
  • Gas tight Pressure Vessel Containment system & multiple Outlet Valves auto vent fumes and the burst pressure pulse of a Li Ion battery while maitaining a preset Balanced, Isolated & Low Pressure Halon Gas rich micro-environment.  Attains over 70 percent Halon concentration  to achieve minimum gas maximum penetration into PED body to target & chemically interact,  extinguish Li Ion battery/PED fire. Pneumatic Micro-Cylinder Pressure driven Interlocking latches prevent accidental opening. Enables safe pressurized containment and post fire transportation of PED reducing possible resurgence of a dormant PED fire untill landing.  Avoids excessive over dispersement of Halon Gas during PED fire control within populated cabin areas reducing Ecological Damage, passenger incovenience, irritation , dizziness,etc.
  • Large capacity flame resistant Fume Containment Inflation Bags avoids egress of toxic fumes/smoke into populated cabin area during operation.  Reduces flamability of the Toxic Gas when mixed with Halon.  Ergonomic design & multiple handles enable rapid deployment during a PED/Li Ion Battery fire also allowing the unit to be used as a protective shield while approaching fire.
  • Avoids  Emergency turnaround/landing, flight delays, associated fuel expenses, expensive interior repairs or grounding of aircraft asset.
  • Increases Possibility of data recovery from post fire PED. Enables investigative PED failure analysis. 
  • Cost Effective Investment to ensure uninterrupted peacefull flight with enhanced passenger & crew safety. Minimize injury. Protect aircraft asset. Make aircraft truly PED Friendly & Safe.
  • Designed and Manufactured in the USA

This unit is for deployment and use ONLY by Flight Crew/Personell trained and conversant with Aviation Fire Control & Safety procedures.


Technical Live Fire Demonstration at a location in New Jersey of an old working Laptop with a 100 Watt Heater attached to the 9 cell Lithium Ion Battery pack to induce fire.

Images of PED Lithium Ion Battery fire Containment, Extinguishing & Recovery action in the FLIGHT FIRE BOX -version 1.

Working Laptop on a Flame Proof Ceramic Sheet topped table

The appearance of smoke

The ensuing explosive flames

Explosive venting of 2 Cells in Li Ion Battery

Fire from contents of vented Lithium Ion cells

Thermal Runaway migration thru other cells

Continuation of fire

The entire sequence of burning until now 40 seconds

The Protective approach towards the burning Laptop



and..Trap, deployment of the Flight Fire Box

The Lockdown & Containment of flaming Laptop

Discharge of the in-suite Halon Unit. Fume Bags not deployed, seam leaks on Version-1.

Further 2 Cells venting inside Flight Fire Box

Heat Extraction & Cooling phase with only 10 oz/300 mL of inbuilt coolant/water pouch

Flaming liquid contents of the Lithium Ion Battery still afire on the Flame Proof Ceramic

Unit is being moved 35 seconds after containment of Laptop.

The Unit now cooled and just touch hot, 3 minutes later

Fully cooled and opened 7 minutes later

The Halon Extinguished & Partially Burnt Laptop, prevented from total secondary burn thru

The Battery, 4 Cells vented and 5 Cells still Intact shows Thermal Runaway arrested by Heat Extraction, Containment & Cooling

The Fire Recovered 60 Gb Hardrive of the Laptop

Recovered Data view of the Hardrive, final proof, Flight Fire Box really works by Containing &
Extinguishing a PED/Laptop Lithium Ion Battery Fire

Extracts from Thermal Images Recorded during the Live Fire Technical Demonstation of Flight Fire Box-Version1, with Temperature Data in Centigrade and Recording Time in minutes and seconds.


The current version being offered is the All New highly improved  Flight Fire Box-FXB-7, featuring the Innovative Pullup Flame-Resistant Shroud has been redesigned in a completely different Thin Top-Deeper Bottom shell case, with Quad Port & 4 Vent Valves, Additional Inlet Port Valve, Improved Larger Seam Gaskets & higher capacity Twin Coolant Disintegrating Pouches.

MAJOR CONCERN- PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE, IN-FLIGHT FIRE HAZARD on board commercial passenger aircraft or business jet.

CUSTOM SOLUTION- MINIMIZE the ONE SOURCE OF WORRY in an otherwise would have been uninterrupted and PEACEFULL FLIGHT. Increase Passenger & Crew Safety. Reduce injury, expenses in emergency turnaround/ landing, flight delay. Protect Aircraft asset. Prevent expensive interior repairs or grounding. Make Aircraft truly PED Friendly and Safe.

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Page 1 ...
Ref pages 15 to 20. especially page 19, paragraph 7

Ref pages 15 to 20. especially page 19, paragraph 7
“Technologies are available that are able to contain portable electronic devices which are actively involved in a lithium-ion battery failure. While there have been several of these containment devices on the market,  few have featured both adequate protection for the person attempting to contain the device and a method for suppressing a fire after containment.
New technology now can protect the person moving the device and contain it safely.
Incorporation of this technology is recommended in passenger aeroplanes.”
The “New Technologies” mentioned in the article,  would be a fitting description of the FLIGHT FIREBOX. 

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Resource Page ........Page 2


A well known major concern in the airline industry for many years is the inability to effectively contain/extinguish inflight PED Fires on planes (Personal Electronic Device Fire). Sometimes false alarms have even prompted oversensitized crew to turnaround flights besides AOG situations. Passenger and Flight/Cabin Crew daily needs have led to a exponential poliferation of PED use in the form of Laptops, Mobile Smart Phones,EBooks,etc. by passengers and Electronic Flight Bags, EPads & POS devices for crew besides fixed aircraft assets such as Aircraft Emergency Locator Technology/ Personal Locator Beacon devices. This need has even pushed airline governing bodies to allow expanded use of PEDs on board and issue recommendations to make Aircraft PED Friendly. One common factor, ALL these PEDS are powered by Lithium Ion Batteries. On a typical flight," a single aisle jet carrying 100 passengers could have over 500 lithium batteries on board with none of them needed to be tested, certified or even maintained to manufacturing specs", as stated in a report by the Royal Aeronautical Society .

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Resource Page ........Page 3

Presentation to the International Air Transport Association's (IATA) Cabin Safety Conference,
Paris, France

At the NTSB, we are happy to spread the word about these safety education products. And there are others as well: In 2009 the FAA issued a SAFO on fighting fires caused
by lithium batteries in portable electronic devices. For those of you who may not know, SAFO is Americanese for Safety Alert for Operators. And, they have developed a video called “Extinguishing In-Flight Laptop Computer Fires” containing specific guidance relating to Lithium battery fires.

Probably some of you here have viewed this video. It does a good job of covering the phenomenon of thermal runaway, in which a fire starts in one cell, and causes adjacent cells to overheat and ignite. The video demonstrates the need to both knock down the initial fire and cool the battery with water or non-alcoholic liquids (for example, from the drink cart).

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Resource Page ........Page 4

FAA Releases New Report on Batteries and Battery-Powered Devices resulting in Smoke, Fire, Extreme Heat or Explosion

Aviation Cargo and Passenger Baggage Incidents Involving Smoke, Fire, Extreme Heat or Explosion
As of June 30, 2015, 158 air/airport incidents involving batteries carried as cargo or baggage that have been recorded since March 20, 1991
Note: These are recent cargo and baggage incidents that the FAA is aware of. This should not be considered as a complete listing of all such incidents. The incident summaries included here are intended to be brief and objective. They do not represent all information the FAA has collected, nor do they include all investigative or enforcement actions taken. This list does not include three major aircraft accidents where lithium battery cargo shipments were implicated but not proven to be the source of the fire: An Asiana Airlines 747 near South Korea on July 28, 2011, a UPS 747 in Dubai, UAE on September 3, 2010 and a UPS DC-8 in Philadelphia, PA on February 7, 2006

Read More..

Resource Page ........Page 2


A well known major concern in the airline industry for many years is the inability to effectively contain/extinguish inflight PED Fires on planes (Personal Electronic Device Fire). Sometimes false alarms have even prompted oversensitized crew to turnaround flights besides AOG situations. Passenger and Flight/Cabin Crew daily needs have led to a exponential poliferation of PED use in the form of Laptops, Mobile Smart Phones,EBooks,etc. by passengers and Electronic Flight Bags, EPads & POS devices for crew besides fixed aircraft assets such as Aircraft Emergency Locator Technology/ Personal Locator Beacon devices. This need has even pushed airline governing bodies to allow expanded use of PEDs on board and issue recommendations to make Aircraft PED Friendly. One common factor, ALL these PEDS are powered by Lithium Ion Batteries. On a typical flight," a single aisle jet carrying 100 passengers could have over 500 lithium batteries on board with none of them needed to be tested, certified or even maintained to manufacturing specs", as stated in a report by the Royal Aeronautical Society .

While technology improvements have greatly enhanced PED design it has also laid a greater and ever increasing common demand for longer operating time and more powerful Battery design by way of least size to power ratio. This has prompted the defacto adoption of Lithium Battery technology by the Electronics/PED industry since it offers the highest energy density to weight ratio. The large demand coupled with decreasing costs has resulted in an unprecedented global production that has crossed over 7.5 million units as of 2014. Increase in PED production has increased battery energy density that has increased the risk of Lithium battery failure incidents in turn increasing the chances of causing an uncontrollable in-flight PED fire.

Though there are manufacturing safety standards in place, the huge demand for Li Ion batteries and cost reduction drives have led to defects and recalls by many a well known & large PED/Laptop manufacturer with the Grey market not even bothering to do so. Lithium Ion Batteries while being very good, need a stricter charging protocol and have to be maintained well within Temperature/Charging Voltage limits which would otherwise fail the battery and cause a PED fire. While aircraft systems fixed with charging outlets for PEDs are very well designed to prevent overcharging, the Lithium Ion Batteries may fail due to their manufacturing process.

In reality, the actual charging is controlled by the PED electronics. Cost restrictions driven by huge market demand, has also resulted in PEDs that lack the full ability to do so. Thinner battery/PED casing have caused fires when mildly crushed in hand baggage. Lithium Ion Batteries may even fail by themselves while not even being charged due to contaminant migration between their electrodes, resulting in a PED fire. Even newer Lithium Ion technologies cannot solve this problem and the current situation is likely to remain so for a long time due to the sheer volume of Batteries produced.

The nature of a Lithium Ion Battery Fire is marked by a cascading effect called Thermal Runaway, where all the cells fail sequentially , following the failure of one. This is followed by a severe explosive ejection of flaming metallic gel and a high volume of toxic, flamable or burnt smoke. All this occurs with little or no warning, in about 50 to 120 seconds and cannot be putout easily. Covering with Fire Blankets or Ice will make it worse and Hand Fire Extinguishers cannot effectively penetrate the PED body to reach the PED Lithium Battery Fire. Temperatures can reach the melting point of Aluminium, where modern lightweight Magnesium Alloy laptops, if allowed even in a controlled burn, are impossible to putout. Access of burning Laptops inside a backpack and the rapid response time required makes the situation worse.

The result, if not contained and extinguished, can be catastrophic in the panic struck passenger confines, more so in a long haul trans-oceanic flight, with no time to return.

For the very first time in the true sense & spirit of PED fire"extinguishing" as opposed to a "controlled burn", Flight Fire Containment Systems Inc. brings to the Airline Industry, the Flight Fire Box-FXB-7.

A truly innovative, adaptable, ergonomic, one for all- any size- any PED fire control system with a multifaceted technical approach to Contain and Extinguish in-flight PED Lithium Battery Fire. This together with safe contained transport and the bonus of possible data recovery/PED investigative analysis. The final aim, to remove the one source of worry by an Aircraft PED Fire and ensure a peaceful flight, enhance passenger/ crew safety, protect aircraft asset, avoid expensive turnarounds & AOG situations, reduce ecological damage and truly make the Aircraft PED Friendly & Safe.

MAJOR CONCERN-Existing Systems onboard are INSUFFICIENT to contain or extinguish in-flight AIRCRAFT PED FIRE or LITHIUM BATTERY FIRES. A SAFETY HAZARD posed by PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES on board passenger airplane, business jet or helicopter.

Aircraft PED Fires Containment & Extinguisher System 
THE WORLD'S FIRST AND ONLY AIRCRAFT PED Lithium Ion Battery FIRES CONTAINMENT AND "EXTINGUISHER" SYSTEM . Especially designed to control Laptop & Mobile Phone Li Ion Battery fires on planes.

FLIGHT-FIREBOX1PATENTED Heat Extraction & Containment, Multi-Valve Design. Vented Low Pressure Vessel. Minimize & arrest subsequent Thermal Runaway of PED Lithium Battery Fires.
Forward ViewMade-In-USA

                                                     Patent Seal PNG            


FLIGHT-FIREBOX2 In suite Halon Unit. Prevent PED Burn Thru. Extinguish PED Fire In-Flight. Laptops inside backpacks. Inflating Fume Bags. Data Recovery/PED Failure Analysis.
Rear View

  • Remove the one source of worry from PED fire on airplanes.
  • Safely Approach, Trap & Contain the Li Ion Batt Fire.
  • Ensure an Uninterrupted and Peaceful Flight.
  • Increase Passenger & Crew Safety. Reduce injury.
  • Avoid expensive emergency turnaround/ landing, flight delay,
  • Prevent interior repairs & A.O.G. situation.
  • Protect aircraft asset. Minimize Ecological damage.
  • Truly make Aircraft PED Friendly and Safe.

The Flight Fire Box-FXB-7, for the very first time inthe true sense & spirit of PED fire "extinguishing" as opposed to a "controlled burn", brought to the Aviation Industry by Flight Fire Containment Systems Inc.

A truly innovative, adaptable, ergonomic, one for all- any size- any PED fire control system with a multifaceted technical approach to Contain and Extinguish in-flight PED Lithium Battery Fires. Even burning Laptops inside backpacks. All this with safe contained transport and possible PED/data recovery/failure analysis at a low cost.


Aircraft PED Fires caused by Lithium Battery Failures.
A well known major concern in the airline industry for many years is that of inflight PED Fires on planes (Personal Electronic Device Fire). Result, crew & passenger injury, false alarms, turnaround of flights, over sensitized crew, and AOG situation. Passenger, besides Flight/Cabin Crew, daily needs of PEDs have gone up exponentially in the form of Laptops, Mobile Smart Phones, EBooks, Electronic Flight Bags, EPads & POS devices . This inflight need has even pushed FAA/EASA to issue recommendations to make Aircraft PED Friendly.

One common factor, ALL these PEDs are powered by Lithium Ion Batteries. On a typical flight, "a single aisle jet carrying 100 passengers could have over 500 lithium batteries on board with none of them needed to be tested, certified or even maintained to manufacturing specs", as stated in a report by the Royal Aeronautical Society .

The Aviation industry too has striven to allow inflight Expanded Use of PEDs as recommended while also trying to ensure safety. Only PED batteries remain impossible to be checked & hence the problem persists.

Better PEDs demand more powerful batteries. Lithium Battery technology is the choice as it has highest energy density to weight ratio. Current production as of 2014 has crossed 7.5 million units. Larger PEDs, thinner, lighter & easily damaged, more powerful batteries, more risk of Lithium battery failure incidents & more chances of an uncontrollable in-flight PED fire. High demand and cost reduction have led to defects more so in the Grey market. Even discharged Lithium Ion Batteries may fail & result in a fire.

Lithium Ion Battery Fires are uncontrollable due to a cascading "Thermal Runaway" effect. Newer Lithium Ion technologies too cannot solve this problem with no change for a long time due to the volume produced.

The explosive fire spews flaming metallic gel and a large amount of toxic, flamable smoke. This happens in a short time between 50 to 120 seconds and cannot be putout easily. Fire Blankets or Ice will make it worse and Hand Fire Extinguishers are ineffective in penetrating the PED body and reach the fire. Temperatures can melt Aluminium, where thinner lightweight Magnesium Alloy laptops, if allowed, even, in a controlled burn, will be impossible to extinguish. Access to burning Laptops inside a backpack and the rapid response time required makes the situation worse.

The result, if not contained and extinguished, can be catastrophic in the panic struck passenger confines, more so in a long haul trans-oceanic flight, with no time to return.

The only way left to ensure flight safety is to contain the problem after occurrence, rapidly & effectively while avoiding injury.

The Flight Fire Box, for Cabin Safety. A cost effective solution to the present issue & near future thus truly make Aircraft PED Friendly.

Contact Us

Flight Fire Containment Systems Inc.

11621 Vixens Path, Ellicott City, MARYLAND-21042, USA
Phone: +1, 443,574 4507
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